«Bevo acqua di cocco da anni, non solo perché la amo ma per i suoi benefici per la salute.»
A weekend in Italy with Antje: I’ve been drinking coconut water for years, not only because I love it but also for its health benefits. I’m a very active person and I also need to stay hydrated.

Piazza Santa Maria in Trastevere
«Sono andata a Roma per un lungo weekend in Italia per vedere la mia amica, volevo davvero provare il suo marchio Ococo.»
So, when I went to Rome for a long weekend in Italy to see my friend, I really wanted to try her brand Ococo. In Trastevere, we went to see one of her clients, frutteria Er Cimotto to buy some. I was really impressed how natural Ococo coconut water tasted.
«c’è davvero una differenza nell’acqua di cocco biologica, che non avrei mai creduto ci fosse…»
Also, there is truly a difference in organic coconut water, which I’ve never believed there was. I really enjoyed this natural delicious taste compared to other coconut water brands in Europe. It was the most refreshing drink I had to stay hydrated during that hot weekend.
«Non c’è zucchero aggiunto (solo zucchero naturale) ho trovato OCOCO meglio di altri marchi che hanno un sapore molto più dolce. Bisogna sempre controllare l’etichetta che sia 100%.»
There is *no sugar (only natural sugar) in Ococo which I found much better as other brands do taste a bit sweeter. *needs to be checked if that’s 100% correct
Not only does it taste delicious and refreshing, but it also provides me with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants so it’s nutrient-rich.
«Contiene anche una fonte di elettroliti naturali che lo rendono un’opzione perfetta per reintegrare questi importanti minerali dopo l’esercizio o sentirsi disidratati.»

Ashtanga yoga lover
It also contains source of electrolytes naturally making it a perfect option for replenishing these important minerals after exercising or feeling dehydrated.
«Consiglio vivamente l’acqua di cocco OCOCO a chiunque cerchi un modo naturale ed efficace per rimanere in salute, idratato e sostenere uno stile di vita attivo.»
I highly recommend Ococo coconut water to anyone who is looking for a natural and effective way to stay healthy, hydrated and support their active lifestyle.
Antje Moor, Paris
Ashtanga yoga lover, mum of two boys